Thursday, December 26, 2013

Program Learning Outcomes for MATLT Program

Program Learning Outcomes for MATLT Program     

EDU697: Capstone: A Project Approach

All of the redesigned activities on this e-Portfolio were chosen based on its demonstration of having attained one or more of the following Program Learning Outcomes:  
Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning with Technology graduates will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate knowledge and skills related to learning using technology;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge and skills in current and emerging instructional technologies;
  3. Design learning opportunities that apply technology-enhanced instructional strategies to support the needs of all learners;
  4. Apply research to support learning in a technology-enhanced environment;
  5. Exemplify ethical practices of technology usage;
  6. Evaluate technology resources to facilitate effective assessment and evaluation;
  7. Utilize technology to collect and analyze data, interpret results, and communicate findings; and
  8. Demonstrate the ability to make informed decisions regarding the use of technology in support of learning and leadership.

*Ashford University (2012-2013) Ashford University Academic Catalog. Retrieved on December 26, 2013 from

*The Ashford University logo


Welcome everyone, 

The last four decades have seen a drastic change in the way humans live, work, socialize and learn. Today, people can communicate via the internet across the world through a webcam programs like Skype or on social profile pages like Facebook and Twitter. We can now check the news and the weather right on the screen of our cellphones and even save our digital data on Cloud storage over the net. There is no stopping the advancement of technology and the way it is enhancing our experiences as humans in all the aspects of our lives. One of these aspects in particular is education. Although technology has been integrated into the classroom for several decades now, it has been for the last few years that schools have fully integrated technology into their classrooms and curriculums. Teachers are now finding interesting ways of immersing their students in school content by enhancing their learning experience by combining innovative technology with well thought academic instruction

This is precisely what I have learned throughout my Master’s program Teaching and Learning with Technology. I have added to my knowledge of education, many efficient ways of utilizing educational technology to enhance instructional design for education. During the several courses I have been  introduced to the principles and theory, practicing many of these methods throughout my work. As an aspiring educator, every single aspect of this Master’s has helped me grow and further expand my knowledge of efficiently integrating educational technology and designing instruction proper for the classroom of the 21st century.

In this final class, EDU697: Capstone:  A Project Approach, I have revisited prior coursework and developed a final project that demonstrates a high enough quality to be shared with current and potential employers, or otherwise be included in a professional portfolio.